The Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) pays for most of your children’s medical visits at this office. However, many services are not insured by OHIP. Because these services require significant time and resources to administer, payment for them is the responsibility of the patient. Our Annual Fee Program offers families the choice of paying a block fee to cover those everyday services that are not covered by OHIP, or paying individual fees for each service when rendered.
Private Services
Prescription Refills $25
Appointment without a valid health card $75
Consultation Appointment (new patient) without valid health card $180.00
Administration of injections for travel $25
Lost notes/prescriptions (replacement) $25
Notes/letters on behalf of patients $35
Sick note/back to school/daycare $35
Note for orthotics/massage/chiropody/physiotherapy $35
Federal Disability Tax Credit and related forms -payable by Dr’s hourly rate
Day Care/ School notes for medication $35
School/Camp forms $35 – $50
Photocopying/Faxing/Email reports requested by patient $35
Travel Cancellation Insurance Form $30-$50
TB Skin Test (3rd party request) $42
Missed Appointment Follow-Up $30
Missed Physical Appointment $60
Missed Counselling Appointment $60
Missed Specialist Appointment $100
Transfer of Medical Records $35-$150
Physician Review of Records $45 per 15mins
Photocopying charts at patient’s request Pages 1-5 $35,
(each additional page $0.50)
Insurance Forms Legal Reports OMA Rates